The Effects Of Birth Order On Personality

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Last Born Children

Parents and children at birthday party
Last born children are quite often the life of the party.

Last born children tend to be the easiest to define when it comes to the correlation between birth order and personality, this is mostly due to the fact that there is only one main type of last born.
Last Born Traits
  • Risk takers
  • Idealists
  • Good sense of humor
  • Hard working
  • Immature
  • Attention seeking
  • Secretive
  • Sensitive

Last born children are often considered the baby of the family, and live up to this role. At times it is difficult for the last born child to find his/her place in the family, as the first and middle child have already left huge footprints to follow in, and carved their own niche into the family.

Strengths V.S. Weaknesses

Outgoing, sociable, affectionate, caring, creative, empathetic, and confident.
Spoiled, manipulative, immature, self-centered, and capricious.
Careers in sales, or invention corporations work well because of their ability to sell things, including themselves, work well alone, want to be the boss, and just do their own thing at their own pace.
Do not like to be tied down to committment, can be perceived as "cut throat", try too hard at times, alternative routes in life may make them the odd man out.

Fun Facts
  • Famous last born children: Howard Stern, Jay Leno, Ralph Nadar, Bill Gates, and Danny DeVito
  • Tend to go against the norm
  • Make the biggest stirs in life
  • Know no boundaries

Copyright 2005, Samantha Murphy